Sunday 30 June 2013

Moving Mountains isn't Necessary - It Only Takes One Trick to Win Her Back

How to win girl back? Getting your girlfriend back may seem like the most difficult task on the planet. It doesn't have to be though. Many guys make it much more difficult than is necessary. You see, you've been led to believe, mostly in Hollywood movies and by the makers of fine jewelry, chocolate, and greeting cards, that this is the way it's supposed to be . That isn't the case at all.

 In fact, once the girl leaves, the average relationship may seem irrevocably broken, but there are still easy tips you can follow that really will help you get her back. Here are a few things you should remember if you really want to win her back.


So how to win a girlfriend back?

Stop Living in the Past

Turn of the century American Author, Alice Morse Earle, once wrote: "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." Living in relationship past robs you both of all the joy of each day together when you're in the relationship. Now that she has left, however, it can rob you of a clear perspective on what needs to be done now in order to save the relationship and make it work this time around.


Become the Man You WANT to Be

This is hard for many men. It's something you may not have given a lot of thought to. Bruce Willis starred in a great movie called The Kid, where the grown up man is confronted by his eight year old self. The eight year old was horrified at the man he'd become saying, "So, I'm forty, I'm not married, I don't fly jets, and I don't have a dog? I grow up to be a loser."

[from the Boy Scout Handbook, Seventh Edition, 1965]
Sometimes there is wisdom in those childhood echoes. You may have given up on the idea of flying jets (who really ever gives that one up though?), but that doesn't mean you can't take steps to be the man you want to be -- even if that does involve learning to fly a jet. The first step is deciding who you want to be. Then you must tackle the process of becoming that man.


How does that Help You Get the Girl

Life doesn't always follow a movie script. You might have to wait a little while to really get her attention. But, once you start making real, notable changes in the man you are and stop trying to recapture a past that wasn't as picture perfect as you remember, you'll be able to gain a new outlook on the future. One thing is certain. Once you become the man you WANT to be, the here and now, the PRESENT, is something she'll WANT to be part of.

For further tips on how to win a woman back click here to watch this FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

Click here====> 

Its helped over a whopping 60,000 people - so it can't be bad!!

Saturday 29 June 2013

The Lazy Man's Guide to Getting Your Girlfriend Back

Breaking up is especially difficult when it wasn't your plan. Men handle unexpected breakups in different ways. Some men go all in to get their girlfriends back. They jump through crazy hoops, make deals, bargain, beg, and come close to stalking in an effort to get her back.

Other men decide that maybe this is just how things were meant to be and seek greener pastures elsewhere - at least, that's what they do in time. It often takes at least a little while to mend their broken hearts and feel willing to put them back on the market again.

But there are still others who want to ride off into the sunset with the girl that got away, but have no idea how to make that happen. More importantly, they want to get her back but they don't want to have to jump through hoops to do it.

Fortunately, hoop jumping really isn't necessary to get her back. You don't even have to do the chasing. You'll probably be surprised to learn just how easy it can be to get her to come back to you.


Don't Call Her


Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? After all, it requires no action on your part. What it does require, though, is dedicated inaction. That's not so simple when every instinct you have is telling you to go after her.


It's the primal male drive to conquer all threats to life, limb, and overall happiness. You want to make her see the light. You want to show her how good it really is between you. You want things to be the way they were.


Chasing the girl down might make her swoon in the movies. In real life it nets you a restraining order. Give her a little time to work through her own emotions and take a little time to really think about whether things really were all that good (for both of you) the way they were.


Make Small Changes at Home


You don't have to become a completely new man. That's way too much work. But you might make a few small changes in appearance - yes girls really do notice these things. Consider something simple to start with like teeth whitening to brighten your smile.


While you might not be interested in a full blown gym membership, you might want to consider lifting weights at home (within reason) or playing racquetball or even pickup basketball games for a little firming and toning - maybe even skip that second beer at night or cut back from the pizza. Small changes don't require a lot of effort and can deliver really big results.


Wait for Her to Come to You


Believe it or not, the world is small. Once people start noticing the little changes you're making, and believe me they will, word will get back to her. Women are curious creatures. Not only in the sense that men have a hard time understanding them, but because they like to know what's going on.


It will drive her insane with curiosity that you're doing so well without her. She'll want to know why you're looking better, getting together with other people, and making changes for the better in your life - even little changes get big attention in today's world.


She will call or "bump" into you just to see what's different. She'll be desperate to know what's going on. That's when it's really time to work your magic. All you need now is the right thing to say to convince her she was wrong to walk away.


What I can say is if you do decide to go back and give it another try, then the next step is about your game plan that will deliver your success rate.


If you want to get some tips and techniques click here to see FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

 Click Here ===>

This video has helped 60,000 people - so it can only improve your chances on how to win back a man or how to win a girlfriend back in your arms!!

Friday 28 June 2013

Zip Zam Zoom – Magical Words to Win Him Back

Getting your boyfriend back isn’t always a walk in the park. You may have been trying for some time, without success, to make it happen. That’s probably what led you here. You’re looking for a quick and easy, perhaps even magical, solution to get him back for good this time around.

What is Magic?

For some people magic is something mystical and wonderful that cannot be understood, much less explained. For other people, magic is simply a trick of the eye or some sort of sleight of hand that always has a solution.

Whether your definition of magic includes something enchanting and wonderful or a mystery to solve, getting your boyfriend back doesn’t involve supernatural maneuverings. 



A few magic words certainly want help.



This is the little pop of fun, pep, and life that is necessary in all lasting relationships. What kind of zip has your relationship had lately? Were things going along swell and suddenly the bottom fell out?



Have things been slowly switching from sizzle to fizzle in recent months? When was the last time you went on a romantic date together? How long has it been since you weren’t able to keep your hands off each other?

But how do you put the “zip” back in after the fact?

You add the zip into your own life. Spruce up your image a bit. Add a little sparkle to your appearance, add a little boost to your confidence, and become the vibrant, active girl you were when you first met. If the two of you move in remotely similar social circles he will hear about the new you – and it will drive him insane with curiosity.


Get into the best shape of your life. Whether it’s losing weight or adding a little tone, now is the time to get into shape and really take care of yourself. Make sure you’re eating nutritious meals and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. These things are important because the one thing you want, more than anything else, if you cross paths with your ex boyfriend is to come across as happy and healthy.

He expects you to do a little bit of pining and it’s going to really make him curious about what’s going on in your life if you’re going around looking better than ever.




Keep going and don’t stop to grieve over him. Commit yourself to living your best life without him in it. It’s not moving on. It’s not letting go of the idea of getting him back. It’s even better. It’s showing him that you don’t NEED him – all the while he’s figuring out that he might actually need you.


Relationships aren’t easy, but neither is breaking up. Give him the chance to see that you’re making it on your own, without him, and he’s very likely to make the first move so you will have no trouble convincing him that the idea to get back together was all his. THAT is the truly magical aspect of getting your boyfriend back – convincing him that he’s the one who wanted to make it happen.
For FREE Video Reveals 5 Secrets to Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection, Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes click here


Thursday 27 June 2013

Break Up, Get Back Together Relationships

They're back together before you can say 'it's over,' and broken up again before you can say 'they're back together' ... just like celebrity couples Katy Perry and John Mayer, none of them seem to be moving on after a relationship, but it seems they are not alone!

Often people have a relationship, break up, get back together and then break up again. So what is going on? Is the relationship on or is it off? So why do why women dump men and men dump women?

This can be a confusing time, but this is when things need to be evaluated by both sides.

Couples have differences all of the time, even after marriage. No relationship is completely perfect. Anytime you place two different individuals together there are going to be little spats-that’s just the way life works. The key is to determine if they are insignificant disagreements or if something else is going on that might be a little more serious.

Almost everyone has been in at least one relationship where there were little tiffs here and there and it seemed as if both people just couldn’t seem to work out all of the details. If there was always a little static present between the two it would account for breaking up once or even more than once. But whatever it was that caused the difference of opinions was it worth breaking up over or was it just the excuse needed to end the relationship? This is something that has to be answered.

In a true relationship that is meant to be, there are always going to be differences. But these couples work through it. Breaking up should not be the first answer for a solution that they come up with. It seems as if there is something deeper and this is the excuse to finally make the move to end things.

Also, it needs to be determined if it is the same person who is always offering to end things. If this is the case, then it might be the problem of only one person. This might, in fact, actually be a one-sided relationship. In that case, the one who is interested in continuing it needs to see that they are apparently the only one interested in being vested as a couple.

Some couples just can’t work things out and in this case, some couples should see that this is a clue that maybe things were not meant to be. If that were not the case, then it would not be such a struggle to stay a couple. If you are in the cycle of being in a relationship, break up, get back together and so on, then there is a reason that this keeps happening. Maybe your feelings are trying to tell you something.
BreakUp, Get Back Together Relationships

check this link to see a FREE Video Reveals 5 Secrets to Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection, Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

Or check this for break up relationship advice:

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Real Love: What is it? And signs of a Breaking Up Relationship…………..

Ever wondered why you feel the way you do when you meet someone? Butterflies, nervousness, excitement has been written in the stars for many years!

The Greek* philosophers identified we have we have four different forms of love; eros, philia, agape and storge. However, if your relationship is missing this, it could be signs of a breaking up relationships, but firstly let’s talk about what these forms of love are?

Eros - this is passionate love which is characterized by sexual desire, longing, jealousy and a heightened awareness. Eros is exciting - it gives spikes of happiness rather than a constant feeling of well-being. It’s the love we feel at the very beginning of a love affair. It’s the ‘falling in love’ stage and the inspiration for artists. Eros doesn’t last long - about two years - on its own; to last any longer Eros needs to be supported by the following forms of love.

Philia - this love is serene and more akin to friendship. You love each other for the care and support you experience in the relationship. It’s the kind of love that can last a very long time and the longer it lasts the more precious it becomes. Whilst philia has no need of eros, eros cannot survive for long without philia.

We talk about the neurological basis of Eros (lust and romantic love) and Philia (long term attachment).

Agape - this is a selfless love that only wants the best for the other person. It can apply to universal themes such as the love for mankind as taught by Buddha, but is also the love you feel for your partner, even when they no longer love you back. Agape brings happiness to those who give it and doesn’t ask for anything in return. In this way Agape can love all on its own - it needs no-other.

Storge love means "affection". It is the kind of affection felt by parents for their children, or between members of a close knit community. This is not a romantic form of love but a necessary understanding for other forms to develop

If your relationship maybe missing its 'Greek spark', or your dreaming of “getting ex girlfriend back” - STOP!

Before you start writing lots of break up letters check this link to see a FREE Video Reveals 5 Secrets to Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection, Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

Or check this for break up relationship advice:


Monday 24 June 2013

Secret To Make Your Ex Return Your Call

Chris Brown and Rhianna managed it, while Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev broke the hearts of Vampire Diaries fans never, joined by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

So those that do 'manage it' - get back your ex - Are there 'magic' words you can use to get your ex to return your phone calls?

Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words that will nearly cast a spell and make your ex feel almost compelled to return your call.
Cool huh?...
I am going to share this with you because this is one of the biggest questions I get from the over 35,000 subscribers just like you that are trying to put their relationship back together.
So I am going to answer..."How do I get my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"

In the Magic Of Making Up, there is a complete strategy.
Click here to see it:
If you use this technique alone, without an 'overall' plan or may damage your relationship more than if they never returned your call.
What NOT to Say!
Before we get into the actual words, let's go over what message almost NEVER works.
and worse...
Puts you in an AWFUL 'psychological' position. These usually fall into 2 categories.

The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like

"John, please, please call me. This is the 3rd
time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."
"Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me
as soon as you get this."
Now, I think you can see what is wrong with
both of those approaches?
So, I won't go on and on...

How To Use Curiosity & Self Interest
To Your Advantage

Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are *Curiosity & *Self Interest
And here's the BIG SECRET!
When you combine the two, you have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'
Let's look at what you can say that works nearly EVERY TIME.

In a friendly tone:

"Hi John. It's Cindy. I wanted to let you know I appreciate what you did for me. Call me because I want to thank you in person."
Do you see how that uses BOTH curiosity and self interest?
John will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?"

"What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And he feels good because it is a positive message.
Before you call you need to do the "Set Up"...which is figuring out what he/she did that you appreciate.
It can be any small thing...but needs to be plausible. But more importantly...
Please have an underlying strategy like I lay out in the Magic Of Making
Up System BEFORE you call.
If you apply this technique with no underlying strategy and they call you back you can do more
DAMAGE than good if you do not handle it correctly.
What I am saying is...
What you do before, during and after you get them to return your call is MORE important than getting them to return your call.
Make sense?

Have a PLAN! Click here to see:

FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex within Minutes.


Sunday 23 June 2013

Stop Yo-Yo Dating: How To Win Man Back

Forever ever? After splitting up with Justin AGAIN, the ‘Come & Get It’ singer is reportedly telling her friends that it’s over for good. Is this serial Yo-Yo dating at its finest? Have we heard the last?

If you find yourself breaking up all the time, and in need of relationship breaking up advice then here's what to do to win man back?
You ask yourself this very question since the day he walked out that door. Well, if there's one thing that you need to know right now, it's that all is not lost. There are ways through which you would be able to win a man back but the process itself is not going to be easy. It would require effort, sincerity and determination from you. At times, you will feel helpless but if you trust that this relationship can be fixed then there shouldn't be anything that would stop you from achieving your goals, right?

But first, let's talk about the most common problems that couples encounter: 

·         Being needy

·         Being possessive

·         Lack of communication

·         Fall into routine

·         Disappearance of romance

Fortunately for you, these are things that can be fixed for as long as both parties are willing to participate. No, you need not change who you are just to get your man back. However, you will need to get rid of negative traits, the same ones that eventually caused the breakup. To win your man back, you must be willing to make the effort. If you feel like you're ready for the next step, here are some tips to help you win him over again and get boyfriend back!

·         Explain your side. What made you react that way? Why did you say those things? It is important to get this out of the way so that you'll be able to start anew. Also, in being open, you are also showing him that the trust between you is still there and that if he wanted to, he could also say anything that he wants to without consequence. This way, there would be no secrets. You can start fresh.


·         Be romantic. In this day and age, even women can be as romantic as men and be just as good when it comes to showing it. He will certainly appreciate this gesture and see that you really are making an effort towards putting things back together again. There's nothing like some good old romance to rekindle that lost passion.


·         Give each other space. You need not be together 24/7. Let him hang out with his friends whilst you spend some alone time or go out with your girls. This would allow you to maintain your individuality and at the same time, make you appreciate each other more. After all, if you're always cooped up at home and together all the time, you'll soon get tired of seeing each other's faces. No one wants that, right?

So there you have it, some tips to show you how to win back a man or how to win a girlfriend back.

For further tips click here to watch this FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

Its helped over a whopping 60,000 people - so it can't be bad!!

Winning A Guy Back

With the news of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's new baby girl we might all be fooled that all relationships work out happily ever after. For the majority of us, including Kim Kardashian, our love life can be a rocky maze of break ups before you meet or get back with the man of your dreams or your prince charming. To win back your man and turn your life into a 'happily ever after', rather than a 'once upon a time' fable, here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to winning a guy back.


Those experiencing break ups there is no doubt that you're in a lot of pain right now and have no idea what you should do next. It's very important for you to understand that what you're feeling right now is normal, others who have experienced a breakup, especially if they have been in the relationship for quite a while would certainly share the same feelings that you have right now. Yes, you are feeling helpless right now but all is not lost. There are ways of winning a guy back, here are some, however it would be wise to seek the advice of a professional relationship therapist if needed.

1.    Take some time off. Surely this was not what you were expecting with regards to making a move towards winning your guy back but this is one of the most important steps. Doing this would allow you to clear your mind and see things better. You should also use this free time to really assess your feelings and if you are, indeed, willing to get back together with your guy. After all, you wouldn't want to end up doing something that you'll only regret in the end.


2.    Do not rush things. You might be tempted to call your guy immediately after he left you but it would be better to give them some space before you do. It would give them some time to heal and recover from the pain of the argument that eventually led to the break up. Besides, at the moment your emotions are at an all time high and talking now might actually be more trouble than good.


3.    Be honest. When the time comes that you do get to talk, keep in mind that winning a guy back does not mean that you have to beg for them to come back. Sometimes, all it takes is some good old honest and open talk. Do not sugarcoat your feelings and make sure that he does the same way. Talk without consequence so that you'll be able to move forward from there.

So there you have it, some tips to show you how to win back a man or how to win a girlfriend back.

For further tips click here to watch this FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

Click here for more free tips 

Its helped over a whopping 60,000 people - so it can't be bad!!