Monday, 8 July 2013

How To Make Up Fast Before You Break Up

Breaking up is hard on everyone involved. If you're interested in hanging on to your relationship, then the best solution is to prevent the breakup in the first place. Preventative action can save you both the heartache of a breakup and the lengthy recovery and reconciliation process. More importantly, it can help prevent many damaging words and actions before they ever happen. But, how do you stop something that seems almost inevitable?


Communicate More Effectively

Guys and girls have this Mars and Venus issue when it comes to communication. John Gray, Pd.D. even wrote a book about it back during the early 1990's. The book was  on the bestseller lists for an unprecedented 121 weeks because the concept was so simple, and yet, so foreign. Sometimes, the best solutions really are the simplest.

The problem, according to this book, is that men and women communicate differently. What one person is saying (or intends to say) is not always what the other person in the relationship hears. This miscommunication often causes the perception of problems or issues in the relationship that only exists in the minds of the two people in the relationship. That's why learning to communicate effectively is so important for the sake of your sanity and your relationship.


Discover Your Love Languages

Everyone has a love language that best sums up the way the express love and the way they best FEEL loved. The love languages include:


1)            Words of affirmation

2)            Physical  touch

3)            Quality time

4)            Gifts of service

5)            Receiving gifts


Taking the time to understand how you best feel and express love in comparison to how your partner best feels loved and expresses love for you can save a lot of hurt feelings, cold shoulders, disagreements, and knockdown, drag out, dish flinging arguments over the course of your relationship.


Learn to Speak Your Partner's Love Language and Accept Love from Your Partner


You see, people don't only have a little difficulty feeling loved by partners that speak different love languages. In some cases, they have a difficult time accepting love in that language. This leads to feelings of alienation, confusion, and inadequacy for partners and drives a wedge into the relationship.


Learning to accept the love your partner has to offer while also learning to show love in a manner that will make your partner feel loved and cherished are equally important components when it comes to love languages. They are just as important as being able to make your partner feel the LOVE you have.


Love languages are great, but they do take time to work with and to become effective tools for saving your relationship from impending breakup. There are other options to consider if you need more immediate results.


Understand how to win man back or get boyfriend back!

“5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes”

Saturday, 6 July 2013

How to Deal with Seeing Your Ex Unexpectedly

Rihanna’s may still be feuding with Chris Brown using tweet – but I am sure like anyone if you came face to face with your ex you would get the wind knocked out of your sails.

So how are you dealing with the break up?

You had a few rough days, weeks, maybe even months. But, you finally started getting back out there in the real world.


You're hitting the town with your friends. You're working out at the gym. And you're trying like mad to at least look like you're getting on with your life - no matter how much you want her back.


You're doing good. You're looking good. Girls are starting to smile and flirt with you. You're Superman.


Then BAM!


Out of the blue, she walks into the room and it feels like you've been hit in the gut with a kryptonite fist.


Your mouth gets dry. Your palms get sweaty. Your tongue suddenly feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and you're caught between a sudden overwhelming urge to flee and a simultaneous but equally powerful urge to beg her to take you back.


What do you do?


You say something about how it's great to see her and make a hasty retreat.


It's only after you're out of her presence that you begin to think of all the things you could have, should have, or would have said if you'd been able to think clearly at the time.


Then you engage in a fantasy replay of how things would have shaken out if you'd just been able to speak. But, wouldn't it be nice if you could  think of these things ahead of time and have a good idea of what to say to her when the moment arrives?


Believe me it would! Especially if you're interested in getting her back.

Stop getting sucker punched by her presence. Take back the power and let her see you in a new light. You can control the conversation and how it plays out as long as you plan ahead for when that moment comes.


I'm not talking about arranging an "accidental" meeting. That's not the right idea in this situation. But, you do want to have a plan for what you'll say to her when your paths do cross so that you don't look like you're either avoiding her, running away from her, or angry with her for the breakup.


Time heals a lot of old wounds. You might be surprised to discover that she's probably just as nervous about the encounter as you are - even though she's the one who broke up with you.


So what should you say?

1)         Keep it short.

2)         Keep it light.

3)         Avoid bringing up the past - leave that to her.


Keep these things in mind. Write a script for yourself. Memorize the script. Practice it in the mirror. Do whatever you have to do so that it's second nature and the next time your paths cross you'll be ready.


For further tips on how to win a woman back click here to watch this FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

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Its helped over a whopping 60,000 people - so it can't be bad!!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Making Up in the Movies - Why Doesn't it Really Work That Way?

Well it looks like we are all making out at the movies - literally and that goes for hot new TV and movie star couple Kaley Cuocot (Big Bang Theory) and 'man of steel' star Henry Cavill.


But really is life a movie script?


You've seen it happen in the movies dozens, if not hundreds of time. Boy meets girl. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy breaks girl's heart (mean boy!). Girl breaks up with boy. Boy makes heroic effort with giant 1980's boom boxes, saying "hello," flying a jet, and countless other antics to win her heart back. The problem is, one person is writing the script for both of them in the movies. They're playing pre-defined roles and following cues. Real life doesn't quite work that way.


Lack of Originality

Unfortunately, a lot of guys haven't gotten the memo. You're still trying to use moves that have been used before. Sadly, these are moves the girls you're trying to get back together with already know about too.

Your ex doesn't want you to copy something that's been done before. If you're going to make a move to get her back, it had better, at the very least, be original. It needs to be something she hasn't seen before. It also needs to be something that you would do. It needs to appear sincere. Using movie lines as your guide makes her feel as though she isn't important enough to you for something original.



Not Appropriate for Your Situation

Every relationship is different. Every breakup is somewhat unique. You can be having the same arguments as 10,000 other couples around the world, but there are things about the two of you and your situation that make those same arguments and situations unique.

 No matter what the reason for the breakup was, your situation is different than Harry and Sally's (When Harry Met Sally), Joe and Kathleen's (You've Got Mail), Maverick and Charlie's (Top Gun), and Pat and Tiffany's (Silver Linings Playbook). You need to take the time and make the effort to come up with something unique and specific to your romantic situation. More importantly, it needs to be something that will matter to her and melt her heart.



Alternative Endings Worth Considering

That is, of course, if you're going for movie magic effects. However, you could do something else altogether. Something she may even find curious and shocking. You could let her go -- at least for a little while. Instead of going after the girl, give her a little time to think things through.

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Then, after a little time has passed, chances are you won't need to call her. She'll call you. When that happens, you can both enjoy a happy ending that's much better than anything Hollywood could come up with because it's the story that belongs to the two of you and no one else.

For further tips on how to win a woman back click here to watch this FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

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Its helped over a whopping 60,000 people - so it can't be bad!!

Monday, 1 July 2013

Why Apologizing is the Wrong Answer if You Really Want to Get Her Back

Winning the love of your life, and planning your future can make you feel like a million dollars, just look at Phil Costa, and Hulk Hogan's daughter Brooke Hogan, or Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson. But what happens when you break up?



Most guys think the perfect answer, after a breakup, is to apologize to the girl who got away. Some of them have a hard time understanding why this doesn't work - or in some cases makes her even angrier than she was initially. Apologizing is almost always the wrong answer. Here are just a few of the reasons how to win a girl back and why.

Apologizing is a Sign of Weakness


Fans of the hit television show on CBS have heard this a time or two throughout its many seasons on the air. It's one of Gibbs' favorite sayings. But, it is a sign of being on the weak end of the argument. You never want to broach an argument from a weaker position.


Apologies Come Across as Insincere


Chances are good that you've apologized in the past. Perhaps, you've even apologized for the very things she says are the problems in your relationship. Apologies, without action, do not bring about a sufficient result to make her happy. While you don't have to change everything about who you are, sometimes, you're going to have to make some adjustments to your nature in order to keep her happy and make her FEEL loved by you.


Apologies aren't Specific Enough


Apologizing for "whatever you did to make her leave" isn't going to cut it. She needs to hear the specific reason why you're apologizing. She wants you to acknowledge that you've hurt, neglected, ignored, cheated, or whatever it is that you've done. She wants to know that you understand it's wrong. Problem is, she doesn't always tell you what you did. Which leads to the next reason it's a bad idea to apologize when your girlfriend leaves.


It's Too Easy to Apologize for the Wrong Thing


The last thing you want to do is add fuel to the fire by apologizing for something you think she found out about, while failing to apologize to the thing that's really set her off. Talk about digging in deeper!

The bottom line, when it comes to apologies, is that there are many more ways to get it wrong than there are to get it right. If you feel you must apologize, it's best to do it in writing and follow these simple rules.


1)                Be specific.

2)                Make your apology brief.

3)                Keep it simple.


Putting it in writing prevents a fight, gives her time to think it over, and provides a neutral setting where she can process the apology and what it may mean for your collective futures.


For further tips on how to win a woman back click here to watch this FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.

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Its helped over a whopping 60,000 people - so it can't be bad!!