Sunday, 4 November 2012

No More Ex Boyfriends or Girlfriends!

So you have had a number of failed relationships. Your friends keep asking you why you keep going for that certain type???

Well there may be 'method in your madness' in the past, and it’s Ok to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them.
The same applies in Love!

Try these Top Tips when searching for your next relationship and blow the cobwebs away and say goodbye to ever having an ex boyfriend or girlfriend again!


1.      Be honest

2.      Choose your partner carefully

3.      Ensure your values match your partner’s values

4.      Know what makes a relationship work and go with the flow

5.      Know what you want: communicate & compromise

6.      Love yourself

7.      Respect each other

8.      Practice appreciation with one another

9.      Have no expectations

10.  Have fun and be positive

Decisions? Should You Break Up or Get Back With Your Ex?

A friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend, but
started having second thoughts about the breakup.  She
asked me if I thought they could break up and get back
together.  I told her that I thought it depended on a few


You often hear people say that relationships take work, and that is true, to a point.  The reality is that many of us close our eyes when entering into a relationship.  We totally ignore all warning signs that this just isn't going to work out, and we often cling to the sinking ship long after we should have jumped overboard. 


A good relationship with someone you are compatible with will take work, but not as much as if you try to force something with someone you simply aren't compatible with.


You can't fit a square peg in a round hole and that's what many people try to do with their relationships.  They know deep inside that this person isn't right for them but for some reason they feel the need to hold on tightly.  Maybe it's the fear of starting over or being alone, but in the long run you risk being miserable instead of being happy with the right person.


So to answer the question of getting back together after a breakup you have to be honest with yourself about the reason you broke up. 


Most often when a couple breaks up it's because things have gone so far that it's difficult, or impossible, to fix.  If you could identify a problem and fix it right away before the resentments and anger grows you'd have a better chance of saving the relationship.


Most people are in denial and don't want to rock the boat so they ignore the small problems and before they know it those small problems have grown into huge problems, and by then it's usually too late.


If you've broken up over small generally insignificant differences and you're both mature enough and willing to openly discuss the issues then yes, by all means, get back together.


But if the problems have grown too big and the resentments have gone too deep then it's probably best not to break up and get back together. Just learn from your mistakes and move on.  As painful as this might be in the long run it will be less painful than staying in a bad relationship.

A great book to read to help you is the Magicof Making Up, shows you how to get your ex back. It takes you through a process of truly evaluating your relationship, both positives and negatives, to see if you can identify what specifically went wrong in your case. The Magic of Making Up also gives you things to focus on to improve your own life while you are in the broken up stage. Taking time to make yourself the best you can be at this stage not only takes your focus away from your heartbreak, according to the Magic Of Making Up it also helps prepare you to portray a self-confident mindset to your ex, and also prepares you to move forward in a positive way regardless of the outcome.

The Magic Of Making Up covers strategies for contacting your ex, the type of meeting to set up and how to set it up, how to handle a "No" if that is the response you get on your first try, and perhaps most important how to handle yourself at the first meeting after a period of break up.

The Magic Of Making Up discusses how to behave and the kinds of things to discuss at the first meeting, what not to discuss, and offers an interesting "reconnect technique", which is a simple but loving action you can take that triggers your ex's subconscious into feeling like they are already back together in a loving relationship.

Get Your Ex Back Book Advice – Top Tips To Look For

When you've lost someone who you really care about it can
be one of the hardest things you face.  Your natural
inclination will be to try to get your ex back. In order to find a
realistic way to save your relationship just find the best get
your ex back book out there, read it and follow it.


Not all relationship books are created equal.  Like with most things some books are better than others.  Using a book as a road map is a good idea but make sure you pick the right book.  Picking the wrong book and following the wrong advice will insure not only that you will never get your ex back but that you will cause yourself and  your ex a lot of useless pain.


Here are a few things you should look for in a book about getting your ex back:


1) Any book that teaches you to lie or mislead in order to get your ex back should be avoided at all costs.  Even if those methods do work, which is unlikely, you won't have the loving, honest relationship you really want.  No relationship that is built on lies and deceit will ever last or be truly fulfilling.


2) You want a book that will lay out a specific easy to follow guide.  This isn't the time for a lot of philosophical teaching.  This is the time for a specific, and effective, plan of action.


3) A good relationship book should help you uncover the reasons why your relationship failed in the first place.  It won't do you any good to get your ex back if you just repeat the same mistakes that got you to this point in the first place. 


4) Any relationship book should also cover what to do if the unthinkable happens: you just can't get your ex back.  No one wants to hear that but sometimes that's what happens.  Sometimes the relationship is just too far gone and you will need tools and techniques to help you get through the rough times and heartbreak while you are recovering from the breakup.


 A good relationship book will provide you with those tools in an easy to understand and follow format.


Like the song says:  "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" but sometimes, with the right help you can save your relationship.  Give yourself every shot at happiness that you can, a great system to follow is Magic of Making Up – I really can’t speak highly about this read!

The Magic of Making Up - takes you through a process of truly evaluating your relationship, both positives and negatives, to see if you can identify what specifically went wrong in your case. The Magic of Making Up also gives you things to focus on to improve your own life while you are in the broken up stage. Taking time to make yourself the best you can be at this stage not only takes your focus away from your heartbreak, according to the Magic Of Making Up it also helps prepare you to portray a self-confident mindset to your ex, and also prepares you to move forward in a positive way regardless of the outcome.

Magic Of Making Up covers strategies for contacting your ex, the type of meeting to set up and how to set it up, how to handle a "No" if that is the response you get on your first try, and perhaps most important how to handle yourself at the first meeting after a period of break up.

The Magic Of Making Up discusses how to behave and the kinds of things to discuss at the first meeting, what not to discuss, and offers an interesting "reconnect technique", which is a simple but loving action you can take that triggers your ex's subconscious into feeling like they are already back together in a loving relationship.



You are Not Alone! Heartbroken Sayings to Find Comfort in from a Break Up………..

If you have recently lost a great love, you may take a small
measure of comfort in the fact that others have experienced
the same thing.  Some of these people have summed up the
situation better than I ever will.  That’s why I present this
collection of heartbroken sayings to you:

[A] final comfort that is small, but not cold: The heart is the only broken instrument that works.

-- T.E. Kalem

A rose without thorns is like love without heartbreak; it doesn't make sense.

-- Author Unknown


Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll.

-- Author Unknown


Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

-- Norman Cousins


Let your tears come. Let them water your soul.

-- Eileen Mayhew


Love is like a puzzle. When you're in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get everything back together.

-- Author Unknown


Some heartbroken sayings have to do with the love that was lost:


My love-lies-bleeding.

-- Thomas Campbell


You want me to act like we've never kissed, you want to forget; pretend we've never met , and I've tried and I've tried, but I haven't yet... You walk by, and I fall to pieces.

-- Patsy Cline


While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it.

-- Samuel Johnson


The weirdest thing happened the other morning...I woke up with tears in my eyes...and one rolling down my cheek...and I knew I must have been dreaming of you again.

-- Author Unknown


Some heartbroken sayings look to the future that is possible after heartbreak:


Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.

-- Author Unknown


The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.

-- Virginia Woolf


The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends.

-- Gwyneth Paltrow



There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.

-- Author Unknown


There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.

-- Harry Crews


Turn your wounds into wisdom.

-- Oprah Winfrey


When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.

-- Author Unknown


Heartbroken sayings help us to understand that others have experienced the pain we are currently going through.  Just as they survived, YOU will too.

If you think these may be useful to share to get your ex back – check out the Magic of Making Up - takes you through a process of truly evaluating your relationship, both positives and negatives, to see if you can identify what specifically went wrong in your case. The Magic of Making Up also gives you things to focus on to improve your own life while you are in the broken up stage. Taking time to make yourself the best you can be at this stage not only takes your focus away from your heartbreak, according to the Magic Of Making Up it also helps prepare you to portray a self-confident mindset to your ex, and also prepares you to move forward in a positive way regardless of the outcome.

Magic Of Making Up covers strategies for contacting your ex, the type of meeting to set up and how to set it up, how to handle a "No" if that is the response you get on your first try, and perhaps most important how to handle yourself at the first meeting after a period of break up.

The Magic Of Making Up discusses how to behave and the kinds of things to discuss at the first meeting, what not to discuss, and offers an interesting "reconnect technique", which is a simple but loving action you can take that triggers your ex's subconscious into feeling like they are already back together in a loving relationship.

Its packed with techniques, FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes. This guys techniques has helped over 60,000 people - so cant be bad!



He said. She said. But Who really did say? And How can Relationship Counselling Help?

He said.  She said.  Pretty soon, what either of you said doesn’t matter because all you are doing is fighting. 
When you want your ex back when should you go get relationship counseling?
Relationship counseling is the term for going to a therapist as a couple to work out differences or get your ex back.  You can go to a counselor when you are having difficulties in your relationship that might cause you to break up or when you are ready to take the relationship to a new level, or make up. 
Relationship counseling helps you to open up new lines of communication.  The therapist can help you by posing questions, pointing out contradictions, and helping you stay civil as you work out your differences.
Relationships are about compromise, but compromise is difficult.  Relationship counseling can be helpful in working out these important compromises that will make your relationship work.
Relationship counseling only works if both parties are willing and able to commit to it.  If your motivation is not sincere, you are not likely to get much out of it.  While the skill of the therapist is an important factor in determining how successful the counseling is, even the most skilled therapist cannot work miracles with couples who are not thoroughly engaged in the counseling process.
Here is a brief summary of how to get the most out of relationship therapy.

1.)        Acknowledge there is a problem.  Until both parties are willing to state that there is a problem and that they have the willingness to work at resolving the problem, there is no hope for relationship therapy to succeed.

2.)        Be prepared to realize that you are part of the reason there is a problem.  Too many times, one partner wants to go into counseling because they perceive that the other partner has a problem.  But a relationship is a two way street.  Unless you are willing to find out that you have contributed to the problem in big ways and small, you will not have a good therapeutic experience.
3.)        Be willing to change.  Acknowledging that you are part of the problem isn’t on its face enough.  You have to be willing to grow and change.  The therapist can help you realize how to change, but you have to be willing to do the hard work of implementing the change.

4.)        Don’t expect the therapist to be a magician.  Your therapist can’t waive a magic wand and “fix” your relationship.  Counseling is a mechanism for you to solve your problems, but it only works if you work.  That is, it is a means for you to do the hard work in your relationship.  If you come into relationship counseling with unrealistic expectations, you are bound to be dissatisfied with the results.
5.)        Know that it takes time.  You won’t solve your relationship problems in one session or even five.  You have to commit to making counseling work for you, even if it means going for a fair amount of time. 
Relationship counseling is a commitment of time, money, and emotional energy.  If your relationship is worth saving, and you want to mend the heart break, relationship counseling may be the answer for you.
Still not convinced? Not ready yet? Or want to go at your own pace?
Consider the Magic Of Making Up - takes you through a process of truly evaluating your relationship, both positives and negatives, to see if you can identify what specifically went wrong in your case. The Magic of Making Up also gives you things to focus on to improve your own life while you are in the broken up stage. Taking time to make yourself the best you can be at this stage not only takes your focus away from your heartbreak, according to the Magic Of Making Up it also helps prepare you to portray a self-confident mindset to your ex, and also prepares you to move forward in a positive way regardless of the outcome.

Magic Of Making Up covers strategies for contacting your ex, the type of meeting to set up and how to set it up, how to handle a "No" if that is the response you get on your first try, and perhaps most important how to handle yourself at the first meeting after a period of break up.

The Magic Of Making Up discusses how to behave and the kinds of things to discuss at the first meeting, what not to discuss, and offers an interesting "reconnect technique", which is a simple but loving action you can take that triggers your ex's subconscious into feeling like they are already back together in a loving relationship.


Broken Relationship Help? How Win Back A Man or ex Back and Save Your Relationship? - 3 Easy Steps

We’ve all heard that familiar expression, “Good things come to those who wait”. Whether you’re waiting for that lottery bonus, dream job, or just your Heinz ketchup to pour out onto your burger (remember those commercials?), or waiting for your Birthday to open your gifts, or an amazing summer vacation to feel the warm sand in between your toes.

Under normal circumstances that expression is simply not true. You’ll still get your ketchup if you take a short cut and tease the butter knife into the bottle, dragging it out onto your plate; open all your gifts birthday gifts the day before; the turn of events will still happen however the longevity of that experience may alter drastically. The real lesson behind the cliché’ ‘patience is a virtue’, is that it applies when you want to get your ex back!

Get your ex back - boyfriend or girlfriend is not easy, there is no quick fix. It takes a lot of really hard work and effort. You can’t just ‘kiss and make up’, and think the ‘he said, she said’ fighting will cease and things will be back to normal going from one extreme to another overnight!

Saving Your Relationship -  3 Easy Steps

Before you start trying to put your relationship back together this would be a good time to really, and honestly, decide if the relationship should really be saved.  Let's face it, not all relationships should continue. 

If you decide after careful soul searching that your relationship is worth saving than you can use the following 3 steps to help fix your love life and get your relationship back on track:

1) Be honest.  Be brutally honest with yourself.  This is the hardest thing you will do.  It's not easy to admit to yourself that you were wrong.  Whether you were wrong about the way you handled things in your relationship or you were wrong about the value of the relationship itself you have to take stock before you can move forward.
Once you've honestly evaluated your relationship and your part in the deterioration of it you can decide if you are ready and willing to make the changes needed to make the relationship work.  Again, this is the time for brutal honesty.  If you really don't think you care enough to work on fixing the problems, both yours personally and the relationship problems in general, than it’s' time to cut your losses and move on.

 2) Talk.  Honest communication seems to be so difficult for a lot of people today.  That is one of the most important skills you can learn if you want to have a loving relationship.  Remember though, it takes two.  Even if you are capable of having an honest, open, and adult conversation, if your partner isn't than there is nothing you can do.


3) Be ready to sincerely apologize for your mistakes and your part in the deterioration of the relationship. The two of you have to be able to work together and that means accepting responsibility for your mistakes.  If you or your partner is unable or unwilling to admit fault and apologize than the hurts and resentments will continue to mount and it will be very difficult to save your relationship.

These steps are not the ultimate blue print plan, but a quick strategy to short term to how to win back a man.
For a long terms solution to win back a man, I highly recommend checking out this great system, that when followed shows you how to get your ex back. It takes you through a process of truly evaluating your relationship, both positives and negatives, to see if you can identify what specifically went wrong in your case. The Magic of Making Up also gives you things to focus on to improve your own life while you are in the broken up stage. Taking time to make yourself the best you can be at this stage not only takes your focus away from your heartbreak, according to the Magic Of Making Up it also helps prepare you to portray a self-confident mindset to your ex, and also prepares you to move forward in a positive way regardless of the outcome.

Magic Of Making Up covers strategies for contacting your ex, the type of meeting to set up and how to set it up, how to handle a "No" if that is the response you get on your first try, and perhaps most important how to handle yourself at the first meeting after a period of break up.

The Magic Of Making Up discusses how to behave and the kinds of things to discuss at the first meeting, what not to discuss, and offers an interesting "reconnect technique", which is a simple but loving action you can take that triggers your ex's subconscious into feeling like they are already back together in a loving relationship.

Click here to see
FREE Video revealing 5 Secrets to Win Back Your Ex and Get Instant Relief to Emotional Break Up Pain and Depression within Minutes.